When you begin a free trial with USMLE-Rx, you will have 5 days to take advantage of all of the features of our Rx360+ bundle, including Rx Bricks, Qmax (which includes both our Step 1 and Step 2 CK question banks), Express Videos, and Flash Facts. You will be able to access all aspects of the platform.
You can purchase a new subscription to Rx360+ during the trial period and receive a discount by going to the Rx360+ product page: https://www.usmle-rx.com/products/step-1-rx360/
We offer a 7-day grace period once your trial expires in which you can purchase an Rx360+ subscription and receive the trial discount.
Please note: If you begin a trial during a special promotion and you want to take advantage of the discounted pricing, you will need to purchase your subscription before the promotion ends. If your 5-day trial expires after the promotion closes, you will only be able to receive the trial discount. We do not offer any exceptions to this policy.
how can i activate my 1 month subscription i already purchased Qmax for a month starting date is 10/05/19 but its not working right now
Please contact our support line if this is still an issue: https://usmle-rx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
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